Buick Encore: Engine replacement
Engine replacement - Removal Procedure
- Remove the battery and battery tray. Refer to Battery Tray Replacement .
- Relieve the fuel system pressure. Refer to Fuel Pressure Relief .
- Recover the refrigerant. Refer to Refrigerant Recovery and Recharging
(R-134a) .
- Remove the front tire and wheel assembly. Refer to Tire and Wheel
Removal and Installation .
- Remove the front bumper fascia. Refer to Front Bumper Fascia Replacement
(Encore) , Front Bumper
Fascia Replacement (Encore) .
- Drain the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System Draining and Filling .
Fig. 140: Intermediate Steering Shaft And Bolt
- Remove the lower intermediate steering shaft bolt (2) and slide the
shaft away from steering column.
Refer to Intermediate Steering Shaft Replacement (NJ1) , Intermediate
Steering Shaft Replacement
(N40) .
Fig. 141: Air Cleaner Assembly
- Remove the air cleaner assembly (1). Refer to Air Cleaner Assembly
Replacement .
Fig. 142: Junction Block And Cover
- Remove the junction block cover (1).
Fig. 143: Positive Battery Cable And Nut
- Remove the positive battery cable nut (1) from the junction block.
- Remove the positive battery cable (2) from the junction block.
Fig. 144: Body Wiring Harness Connector And Positive Cable Nut
- Remove the positive cable nut (1) and battery positive cable from the
battery positive cable junction
- Disconnect the body wiring master harness connector (2) from the battery
positive cable junction block.
Fig. 145: Junction Block
- Remove the junction block nut (1).
- Remove the junction block bolts (2).
- Disconnect the wiring harness from the junction block base.
- Remove the junction block (3) from the base.
- Disconnect the wiring harness plug from the front compartment fuse
Fig. 146: Wiring Harness - Top Of Engine
- Reposition the wiring harness (1) on top of the engine.
Fig. 147: Wiring Harness And Ground Nuts
- Remove the ground nuts (1) and reposition the wiring harness (2) aside.
- Disconnect the power vacuum brake booster vacuum sensor electrical
connector, if equipped.
- Disconnect the heater inlet hose from the heater core. Refer to Heater
Inlet Hose Replacement (LUJ,
LUV) .
Fig. 148: Heater Outlet Hose
- Disconnect the heater outlet hose (1) from the heater core. Refer to
Heater Outlet Hose Replacement
(LUJ, LUV) , Heater Outlet Hose Replacement (LUJ, LUV Rear) .
Fig. 149: Automatic Transmission Range Selector Lever Cable Terminal And
Shift Lever Pin
- If equipped with an automatic transmission, disconnect the transmission
range selector lever cable
terminal (1) from the transmission manual shift lever pin.
- Remove the transmission range selector lever cable (2) from the cable
Fig. 150: Selector Level Cable Components
- If equipped with manual transmission, disconnect the shift lever and
selector lever cable end (1) from the
transmission shift lever and selector lever.
- Pull the cable retainers (2) to release the shift lever and selector
lever cable from the shift lever and
selector lever cable bracket.
- Disconnect the shift lever and selector lever cable from the shift lever
and selector lever cable bracket.
Fig. 151: Radiator Surge Tank And Mounting Bolts
- Remove the radiator surge tank (2) and position aside. Refer to Radiator
Surge Tank Replacement
(LUV, 2H0, LUJ) .
- Disconnect the fan connector.
Fig. 152: A/C Compressor And Condenser Hose
- Remove air conditioning compressor and condenser hose nut (1).
- Remove air conditioning compressor and condenser hose (2) from
refrigerant hose.
Fig. 153: Fuel Feed Pipe And Plastic Collars
- Disconnect the fuel feed pipe. Refer to Plastic Collar Quick Connect
Fitting Service .
Fig. 154: Evaporative Emission Pipe
- Disconnect the evaporative emission pipe (1). Refer to Plastic Collar
Quick Connect Fitting Service .
Fig. 155: Wheel Drive Shaft
- Remove the wheel drive shafts. Refer to Front Wheel Drive Shaft
Replacement - Left Side , and Front
Wheel Drive Shaft Replacement - Right Side .
- Remove the front exhaust pipe. Refer to Exhaust Front Pipe Replacement (LUV)
, Exhaust Front
Pipe Replacement .
Fig. 156: Lower Transmission Nut And Bolts
- If equipped with an automatic transmission, remove the lower
transmission nut (1) and the lower
transmission bolts (2, 3, 4).
Fig. 157: Lower Transmission Bolts
- If equipped with manual transmission, remove the lower transmission bolt
(3) and nut (4).
- Remove the lower transmission bolts (1, 2).
Fig. 158: Front Frame Bolts
- Remove the frame front bolts (1).
- Position the lift table under the powertrain and support with blocks of
Fig. 159: Frame Suspension Retaining Bolts
- Remove the upper frame suspension retaining bolts (1) on both sides.
Fig. 160: Right Side Engine Mount
- Remove the right side engine mount (1). Refer to Engine Mount
Replacement - Right Side.
Fig. 161: Left Transmission Mount & Components
- Remove and DISCARD the transmission mount bolts (1) - left side. Refer
to Transmission Mount
Replacement - Left Side .
- Disconnect any additional electrical connections as necessary.
- Raise the vehicle until the powertrain is clear for removal.
Fig. 162: Torque Converter To Flywheel Bolt
- If equipped with an automatic transmission, remove the starter. Refer to
Starter Replacement (LUV) .
- Mark the relationship of the flex plate to the torque converter for
- Remove and DISCARD the flex plate to torque converter bolts (1).
Fig. 163: Upper Transmission To Engine Bolts
- If equipped with an automatic transmission, remove the upper
transmission to engine bolts (1) and
separate the engine and transmission.
Fig. 164: Upper Transmission-To-Engine Bolts
- If equipped with manual transmission, remove the upper transmission to
engine bolts (1). And separate
the engine and transmission.
- Disconnect any electrical connectors as needed.
- Transfer parts as necessary.
Engine replacement - Installation Procedure
- Install the transmission to the engine.
Fig. 165: Upper Transmission-To-Engine Bolts
CAUTION: Refer to Fastener Caution .
- If equipped with a manual transmission, install the upper transmission
to engine bolts (1) to 60 (44 lb ft).
Fig. 166: Upper Transmission To Engine Bolts
- If equipped with automatic transmission, install the upper transmission
to engine bolts (1) and tighten to
60 (44 lb ft).
Fig. 167: Torque Converter To Flywheel Bolt
- If equipped with an automatic transmission, install the torque converter
to flex plate bolts (1) and tighten
to 60 (44 lb ft).
- Install the starter. Refer to Starter Replacement (LUV) .
- Position the powertrain under the vehicle and slowly lower the
body onto the powertrain.
Fig. 168: Left Transmission Mount & Components
CAUTION: Refer to Torque-to-Yield Fastener Caution .
- Install the NEW left transmission mount to transmission bolts (1) and
tighten to 50 (37 lb ft) plus 70
Fig. 169: Right Side Engine Mount
- Install the right side engine mount (1). Refer to Engine Mount
Replacement - Right Side.
- Connect all previously disconnected electrical connections.
Fig. 170: Frame And Bolts
- Install the frame (3) rear bolts (2) and front bolts (1) and tighten a
little bit.
- Install the frame (3) rear bolts (2) and tighten to 135 (100 lb ft).
- Install the frame (3) front bolts (1) and tighten to 58 (43 lb
Fig. 171: Frame Suspension Retaining Bolts
- Install the upper frame suspension retaining bolts (1) on both sides and
tighten to 135 (100 lb ft).
- Remove the lift table.
Fig. 172: Lower Transmission Bolts
- If equipped with manual transmission, install the lower transmission
bolts (1) and tighten to 60 (44 lb ft).
- Install the lower transmission bolts (2) and tighten 40 (30 lb ft).
- Install the lower transmission bolt (3) and nut (4) and tighten to 40
(30 lb ft).
Fig. 173: Lower Transmission Nut And Bolts
- If equipped with an automatic transmission, install the lower
transmission bolts (2, 4) and tighten to 60
(44 lb ft).
- Install the lower transmission bolts (3) and the lower transmission nut
(1) and tighten to 40 (30 lb ft).
- Install the front exhaust pipe. Refer to Exhaust Front Pipe Replacement
(LUV) , Exhaust Front Pipe
Replacement .
Fig. 174: Wheel Drive Shaft
- Install the wheel drive shafts. Refer to Front Wheel Drive Shaft
Replacement - Left Side , and Front
Wheel Drive Shaft Replacement - Right Side .
Fig. 175: Evaporative Emission Pipe
- Connect the evaporative emission pipe (1). Refer to Plastic Collar Quick
Connect Fitting Service .
- Connect the fuel feed pipe. Refer to Plastic Collar Quick Connect
Fitting Service
Fig. 176: A/C Compressor And Condenser Hose
- Install air conditioning compressor and condenser hose to the
refrigerant hose.
- Install air conditioning compressor and condenser hose nut (1) tighten
nut to 22 (16 lb ft).
Fig. 177: Radiator Surge Tank And Mounting Bolts
- Install the radiator surge tank (2). Refer to Radiator Surge Tank
Replacement (LUV, 2H0, LUJ) .
- Connect the fan connector.
Fig. 178: Selector Level Cable Components
- If equipped with manual transmission, Connect the shift lever and
selector lever cable end (1) to the
transmission shift lever and selector lever.
- Connect the shift lever and selector lever cable to the shift lever and
selector lever cable bracket.
- Install the cable retainers (2) to the shift lever and selector lever
cable bracket
Fig. 179: Automatic Transmission Range Selector Lever Cable Terminal And
Shift Lever Pin
- If equipped with automatic transmission, install the transmission range
selector lever cable (2) to the
cable bracket.
- Connect the transmission range selector lever cable terminal (1)
to the transmission manual shift lever
- Adjust the automatic transmission range selector lever cable. Refer to
Range Selector Lever Cable
Adjustment .
- Connect the heater inlet hose from the heater core. Refer to Heater
Inlet Hose Replacement (LUJ,
LUV) .
Fig. 180: Heater Outlet Hose
- Connect the heater outlet hose (2) from the heater core. Refer to Heater
Outlet Hose Replacement
(LUJ, LUV) , Heater Outlet Hose Replacement (LUJ, LUV Rear) .
Fig. 181: Wiring Harness And Ground Nuts
- Install the ground nuts (1) and wiring harness (2).
Fig. 182: Wiring Harness - Top Of Engine
- Clip in the wiring harness plugs (1).
Fig. 183: Junction Block
- Install the junction block to the base (3).
- Install the junction block bolts (2) and tighten to 5 (44 lb in).
- Install the junction block nut (1) and tighten to 5 (44 lb in).
Fig. 184: Body Wiring Harness Connector And Positive Cable Nut
- Install the battery positive cable to the battery positive cable
junction block and tighten nut (1) to 5 (44 lb
- Connect the body wiring master harness connector (2), to the battery
positive cable junction block.
Fig. 185: Positive Battery Cable And Nut
- Position the positive battery cable (2) to the junction block.
- Install the positive battery cable nut (1) and tighten to 7 (62 lb in).
Fig. 186: Junction Block And Cover
- Install the junction block cover (1).
Fig. 187: Air Cleaner Assembly
- Install the air cleaner assembly (1). Refer to Air Cleaner Assembly
Replacement .
Fig. 188: Intermediate Steering Shaft And Bolt
- Install the lower intermediate steering shaft bolt (1). Refer to
Intermediate Steering Shaft Replacement
(NJ1) , Intermediate Steering Shaft Replacement (N40) .
- Install the battery and battery tray. Refer Battery Tray Replacement .
- Install the front tire and wheel assembly. Refer to Tire and Wheel
Removal and Installation .
- Install the front bumper fascia. Refer to Front Bumper Fascia
Replacement (Encore) , Front Bumper
Fascia Replacement (Encore) .
- Evacuate and charge the refrigerant system. Refer to Refrigerant
Recovery and Recharging (R-134a) .
- Fill the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System Draining and Filling .
Removal Procedure
Open hood.
Place a drain pan below the vehicle.
CAUTION: To prevent damage to oil filter cap ensure proper tool is
used. Do not
use an open end wrench which may cause damage to
Turbocharger replacement - Removal Procedure
Special Tools
EN-49942 Holding Wrench
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools.
Removal Procedure
Disconnect battery negative cable. Refer t
Engine support fixture
Fig. 237: Engine Support Fixture Components
Engine Support Fixture
Fig. 238: Engine Mount Bracket And Bolts
Remove the 3 engine mount brac
If something is carried on top of
the vehicle that is longer or wider
than the roof rack-like paneling,
plywood, or a mattress-the
wind can catch it while the vehicle
is being driven. The item being
carried could be violently torn off,
and this could cause a collision
and damage the vehicle.
Fastener Tightening Specifications
Engine Mechanical Specifications
Adhesives, Fluids, Lubricants, and Sealers
Accessory Drive Compone