Buick Encore Owners & Service Manuals

Buick Encore: Vehicle Identification

Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)

This legal identifier is in the front corner of the instrument panel, on the driver side of the vehicle. It can be seen through the windshield from outside. The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) also appears on the Vehicle Certification and Service Parts labels and certificates of title and registration.

Engine Identification

The eighth character in the VIN is the engine code. This code identifies the vehicle's engine, specifications, and replacement parts. See "Engine Specifications" under Capacities and Specifications for the vehicle's engine code.

Service Parts Identification

There may be a large barcode on the certification label on the center pillar that you can scan for the following information:

  • Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
  • Model designation
  • Paint information
  • Production options

If there is not a large barcode on this label, then you will find this same information on a label inside the glove box.


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