Buick Encore Owners & Service Manuals

Buick Encore: Electrical System


 Electrical System Overload

The vehicle has fuses and circuit breakers to protect against an electrical system overload. When the current electrical load is too heavy, the circuit breaker opens and closes, protecting the circui

 Engine Compartment Fuse Block

To remove the fuse block cover, squeeze the clip and lift it up. Caution Spilling liquid on any electrical component on the vehicle may damage it. Always keep the covers on any electrical component.

 Instrument Panel Fuse Block

The instrument panel fuse block is on the underside of the driver side instrument panel. To access the fuses, remove the storage compartment. To remove the storage compartment, open the compartment


 Description and operation

ABS DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION Antilock Brake System Block Diagram Fig. 45: Antilock Brake System Block Diagram This vehicle is equipped with the MGH 60 Mando electronic stability control brake system. The electronic brake control module and the brake pressure modulator are serviced separately

 Rear Seat Reminder

If equipped, the message REAR SEAT REMINDER LOOK IN REAR SEAT displays under certain conditions indicating there may be an item or passenger in the rear seat. Check before exiting the vehicle. This feature will activate when a second row door is opened while the vehicle is on or up to 10 minutes be

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