Buick Encore: Repair instructions - on vehicle
Manual shift detent lever with shaft position witch assembly replacement
Special Tools
DT-41229 Manual Shaft Pin Installer
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools .
Removal Procedure
- Remove the engine coolant fan shroud. Refer to Engine Coolant Fan Shroud
Replacement (2H0) ,
Engine Coolant Fan Shroud Replacement (LUJ, LUV) .
- Remove the automatic transmission range selector lever. Refer to
Automatic Transmission Range
Selector Lever Replacement.
- Remove the control valve body. Refer to Control Valve Body Replacement.
Fig. 1: View Of Manual Shift Detent Lever & Shaft Position Switch Assembly
- Remove the manual shaft detent lever hub pin (1) using a pry bar and
- Remove and DISCARD the manual shift shaft pin (5).
- Remove the manual shaft (2).
NOTE: Disconnect the actuator rod (3) from the detent lever
assembly. Do not
remove the actuator rod from the transmission case.
- Remove the manual shaft detent (with shift position switch) lever
assembly (4).
Installation Procedure
Fig. 2: Identifying Manual Shaft Detent (W/Shift Position Switch) Lever
NOTE: Connect the actuator rod (3) to the detent lever
- Install the manual shaft detent (with shift position switch) lever
assembly (4).
- Install the manual shaft (2).
- Install the manual shaft detent lever hub pin (1).
Install the manual shaft detent lever hub pin to height of 7.9 mm (0.38 in)
CAUTION: Use J 41229 to install the manual shaft pin at the correct
height in
order to properly secure the manual shaft. If you install the pin too
deep, the case bore may crack.
- Install the NEW manual shift shaft pin (5) using DT-41229 pin installer.
Use a NEW pin to ensure proper
engagement with the case.
Inspect pin installed height is within 7.2-8.2 mm (0.28-0.32 in) (a).
- Install the control valve body. Refer to Control Valve Body Replacement.
- Install the automatic transmission range selector lever. Refer to
Automatic Transmission Range
Selector Lever Replacement.
- Install the engine coolant fan shroud. Refer to Engine Coolant Fan
Shroud Replacement (2H0) ,
Engine Coolant Fan Shroud Replacement (LUJ, LUV) .
- Perform the transmission adaptive values learn procedure. Refer to
Transmission Adaptive Values
Learn .
The transmission control lever knob is not serviceable separately. Refer to
Transmission Control
Fig. 3: Transmission Control Assembly
Transmission Control Replacement
Automatic transmission range selector lever replacement
Removal Procedure
- Set the park brake and chock the wheels.
Fig. 4: Automatic Transmission Range Selector Lever Cable Terminal And Shift
Lever Pin
- Disconnect the transmission range selector lever cable terminal (1) from
the transmission manual shift
lever pin.
- Press the locking tabs inward in order to release the transmission
range selector lever cable (2) from the
cable bracket.
Fig. 5: View Of Transmission Range Selector Lever
WARNING: Hold the transmission range selector lever while removing
installing the lever retaining nut. Failure to hold the lever can cause
damage to the transmission internal park system components which
could allow the vehicle to roll when placed in the park position.
- Remove the transmission range selector lever nut (1).
- Remove the transmission range selector lever (2).
Installation Procedure
Fig. 6: View Of Transmission Range Selector Lever
WARNING: Hold the transmission range selector lever while removing
installing the lever retaining nut. Failure to hold the lever can cause
damage to the transmission internal park system components which
could allow the vehicle to roll when placed in the park position.
- Install the transmission range selector lever (2).
CAUTION: Refer to Fastener Caution .
- Install the transmission range selector lever nut (1) and tighten to 30
(22 lb ft).
Fig. 7: Automatic Transmission Range Selector Lever Cable Terminal And Shift
Lever Pin
- Install the transmission range selector lever cable (2) to the cable
- Connect the transmission range selector lever cable terminal (1) to the
transmission manual shift lever
- Check the range selector cable adjustment. Refer to Range Selector Lever
Cable Adjustment.
Removal Procedure
- Set the park brake and chock the wheels.
Fig. 8: Automatic Transmission Range Selector Lever Cable Terminal And Shift
Lever Pin
- Disconnect the transmission range selector lever cable terminal (1) from
the transmission manual shift
lever pin.
- Press the locking tabs inward in order to release the transmission range
selector lever cable (2) from the
cable bracket.
- Remove the front floor console stowage tray. Refer to Front Floor
Console Stowage Tray Replacement
(Encore) , Front Floor Console Stowage Tray Replacement (Encore) .
Fig. 9: Cable Terminal And Cable Retainer
- Disconnect the transmission range selector lever cable terminal (2) from
the shift lever pin.
- Release the transmission range selector lever cable retainer (1) and
remove the transmission range
selector cable from the transmission control lever base.
Fig. 10: Gear Shift Cable Grommet & Fasteners
- Move the floor carpet in order to gain access to the gear shift cable
grommet (2).
- Remove the grommet fasteners (1) and the transmission range selector
lever cable grommet from the
cowl panel.
- Remove the transmission range selector lever cable from the vehicle.
Installation Procedure
- Install the transmission range selector lever cable to the vehicle.
Fig. 11: Gear Shift Cable Grommet & Fasteners
- Install the transmission range selector lever cable grommet to the cowl
CAUTION: Refer to Fastener Caution .
- Install the grommet fasteners (2) and tighten to 9 (80 lb in).
Fig. 12: Cable Terminal And Cable Retainer
- Install the transmission range selector lever cable to the transmission
control lever base. Insure the cable
retainer (1) is fully secured to the transmission control lever base.
- Connect the transmission range selector lever cable terminal (2) to the
shift lever pin.
- Install the front floor console stowage tray. Refer to Front Floor
Console Stowage Tray Replacement
(Encore) , Front Floor Console Stowage Tray Replacement (Encore) .
Fig. 13: Automatic Transmission Range Selector Lever Cable Terminal And Shift
Lever Pin
- Install the transmission range selector lever cable (2) to the cable
- Connect the transmission range selector lever cable terminal (1) to the
transmission manual shift lever
- Adjust the automatic transmission range selector lever cable. Refer to
Range Selector Lever Cable
Range selector lever cable adjustment
NOTE: Adjust the automatic transmission range selector cable while
transmission and the gear selector are in the Park position only. Failure to
do so may cause mis-adjustment.
- Set the park brake and chock the wheels.
- Verify the transmission range select lever is in the park position.
- Verify the transmission manual shift lever is in the park position.
Fig. 14: Cable Tube & Adjuster Clip
- Release the range select cable adjuster clip (1).
Fig. 15: Cable Tube & Adjuster Clip
- Depress the adjuster clip (1) locking the adjuster clip completely.
- Ensure the cable tube (2) is secure.
- Check the transmission range select lever in all gear selections for
proper operation.
Removal Procedure
- Set the park brake and chock the wheels.
- Remove the battery tray. Refer to Battery Tray Replacement .
Fig. 16: Range Selector Lever Cable
- Disconnect the range selector cable end (1) from the range selector
- Disconnect the range selector cable (2) from the range selector cable
Fig. 17: Range Selector Cable Bracket And Bolts
- Remove the transmission range selector cable bracket bolts (1).
- Remove the transmission range selector cable bracket (2).
Installation Procedure
Fig. 18: Range Selector Cable Bracket And Bolts
- Install the transmission range selector cable bracket (2).
CAUTION: Refer to Fastener Caution .
- Install the transmission range selector cable bracket bolts (1) and
tighten to 22 (16 lb ft).
Fig. 19: Range Selector Lever Cable
- Connect the range selector cable (2) to the range selector cable
- Connect the range selector cable end (1) to the range selector lever.
- Check the range selector cable adjustment. Refer to Range Selector Lever
Cable Adjustment.
- Install the battery tray. Refer to Battery Tray Replacement .
Transmission fluid drain and fill
Removal Procedure
Fig. 20: Identifying Fluid Level Hole Plug
- Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and Jacking the Vehicle
- Remove the front compartment front center insulator, if equipped. Refer
to Front Compartment Front
Center Insulator Replacement .
- Remove the fluid drain plug (1).
- Drain transmission fluid into a suitable container.
CAUTION: Refer to Component Fastener Tightening Caution .
- Install the fluid drain plug (1) and tighten to 12 (106 lb in).
Installation Procedure
Fig. 21: Identifying Fluid Fill Cap
- Lower the vehicle.
- Remove the fluid fill cap (1).
- Fill the transmission to the proper level with the correct fluid. Refer
to Transmission Fluid Level and
Condition Check , and Fluid Capacity Specifications (6T40/45/50) .
- Install the front compartment front center insulator, if equipped. Refer
to Front Compartment Front
Center Insulator Replacement .
- Install the fluid fill cap (1).
Fig. 22: Identifying Pressure Test Plug
Automatic Transmission Fluid Pressure Test Hole Plug Replacement
Fig. 23: Identifying Left Front Wheel Drive Shaft Seal
Front Wheel Drive Shaft Seal Replacement - Left Side
Removal Procedure
- Remove the transfer case. Refer to Transfer Case Replacement
Fig. 24: Transfer Case-To-Transfer Case Bracket Seal
- Remove and discard the transfer case-to-transfer case bracket seal (1).
Installation Procedure
Fig. 25: Transfer Case-To-Transfer Case Bracket Seal
- Clean the contact surfaces between the transfer case and the transfer
case bracket.
NOTE: Install the OD groove of the seal onto the raised area in the
adapter seal
bore. A properly installed seal will be installed 2.66 mm (0.10 in) below the
machined surface when measured from the bushing alignment mark side
of the adapter.
- Install a new transfer case-to-transfer case bracket seal (1). Refer to
Transfer Case Identification .
- Install the transfer case. Refer to Transfer Case Replacement .
Fig. 26: Identifying Right Front Wheel Drive Shaft Seal
Front Wheel Drive Shaft Seal Replacement - Right Side (FWD)
Manual shift shaft and seal replacement
Special Tools
- DT-45201 Cooler Line Seal Remover
- DT-49101 Seal Installer
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools .
Removal Procedure
- Remove the battery tray. Refer to Battery Tray Replacement .
- Remove the manual shaft and position switch assembly. Refer to Manual
Shift Detent Lever with Shaft
Position Switch Assembly Replacement.
Fig. 27: Identifying Seal Removal Tool
- Remove the manual shaft seal (1) using DT-45201 remover.
Installation Procedure
- Install the manual shaft and position switch assembly. Refer to Manual
Shift Detent Lever with Shaft
Position Switch Assembly Replacement.
Fig. 28: Identifying Seal Installation Tool
- Install the manual shaft seal (1) using DT-49101 seal installer.
- Install the battery tray. Refer to Battery Tray Replacement .
Removal Procedure
- Remove the transmission control valve body cover. Refer to Control Valve
Body Cover Replacement.
Fig. 29: Identifying Input Speed Sensor Electrical Connector
- Disconnect the output speed sensor electrical connector (2).
- Disconnect the shift position switch electrical connector (3).
- Disconnect the input speed sensor electrical connector (1).
Fig. 30: Locating Control Valve Body & Bolts
- Remove the 3 control solenoid valve assembly bolts (1) M5 x 40.5.
- Remove the 12 control solenoid valve assembly bolts (2) M6 x 97.
- Remove the control solenoid valve assembly with transmission control
module (3).
CAUTION: Use care when removing or installing the filter plate
assembly. A
broken or missing retaining tab may not adequately secure the filter
plate to the control solenoid valve assembly, resulting in possible
damage or contamination.
- Remove the control solenoid valve assembly filter plate (4). Discard the
filter plate. It is not reusable.
- Inspect the pressure switch seals for damage or contamination. Replace
the control solenoid valve
assembly as necessary.
- Inspect the channel plate bolt pass through holes for damage or
burnelling. Any damage could cause
leaking. Replace as necessary.
Installation Procedure
Fig. 31: Locating Control Valve Body & Bolts
CAUTION: Use care when removing or installing the filter plate
assembly. A
broken or missing retaining tab may not adequately secure the filter
plate to the control solenoid valve assembly, resulting in possible
damage or contamination.
- Install a NEW control solenoid valve assembly filter plate (4) to
prevent fluid leaks past the fluid seals.
- Install the control solenoid valve assembly with transmission control
module (3).
- Hand start the control valve body bolts (1, 2).
Fig. 32: Identifying Control Valve Body Bolt Tightening Sequence
CAUTION: Refer to Fastener Caution .
- Secure the 12 control solenoid valve assembly bolts (2) M6 x 97 and
tighten in sequence to 12 (106 lb in).
- Secure the 3 control valve body bolts (1) M5 x 40.5 and tighten in
sequence to 7 (62 lb in).
Fig. 33: Identifying Input Speed Sensor Electrical Connector
- Connect the input speed sensor electrical connector (1).
- Connect the output speed sensor electrical connector (2).
- Install the transmission control valve body cover. Refer to Control
Valve Body Cover Replacement.
- After repairs, refer to Control Module References for programming
and set up procedures.
- Perform the transmission adaptive values learn. Refer to Transmission
Adaptive Values Learn .
Control valve body cover replacement
Removal Procedure
- Disconnect the battery negative cable. Refer to Battery Negative Cable
Disconnection and
Connection .
- Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and Jacking the Vehicle
- Remove the front bumper fascia opening lower cover. Refer to Front
Bumper Fascia Opening Lower
Cover Replacement (Encore) .
- Remove the left front wheel house liner. Refer to Front Wheelhouse Liner
Replacement (Encore) , Front Wheelhouse Liner Replacement (Encore) .
- Drain the transmission fluid.
- Disconnect the transmission fluid cooler inlet pipe from the
transmission. Refer to Transmission Fluid
Cooler Inlet Pipe Replacement .
- Disconnect the transmission fluid cooler outlet pipe from the
transmission Refer to Transmission Fluid
Cooler Outlet Pipe Replacement .
Fig. 34: Identifying Control Valve Body Transmission Control Module (TCM)
Electrical Connector
- Disconnect the control valve body transmission control module electrical
connector (1), then unclip the
wiring harness from the cover.
Fig. 35: View Of Control Valve Body
- Remove the control valve body cover bolts (1).
- Remove the control valve body cover (2).
- Remove the control valve body cover gasket (3).
CAUTION: Support the control solenoid valve assembly around the
when removing the seal. Excessive pulling force can damage the
internal electrical connections.
- Remove the control valve body cover wiring connector hole seal (4).
- Remove all traces of the old gasket material. Clean the transmission
case and control valve body cover
gasket surfaces.
Installation Procedure
Fig. 36: View Of Control Valve Body
- Install the control valve body cover wiring connector hole seal (4).
- Install the control valve body cover gasket (3) to the control valve
body cover.
- Install the control valve body cover (2).
- Hand start the control valve body cover bolts (1).
Fig. 37: Identifying Valve Body Cover Bolt Tightening Sequence
CAUTION: Refer to Fastener Caution .
NOTE: Install all control valve body cover bolts and studs by hand
then torque all
bolts and studs in sequence.
- Install the control valve body cover bolts. Tighten the bolts in
sequence to 12 (106 lb in).

Fig. 38: Identifying Control Valve Body Transmission Control Module (TCM)
Electrical Connector
- Connect the control valve body transmission control module electrical
connector (1), then clip the wiring
harness to the cover.
- Raise the vehicle.
- Connect the transmission fluid cooler outlet pipe to the transmission
Refer to Transmission Fluid
Cooler Outlet Pipe Replacement .
- Connect the transmission fluid cooler inlet pipe to the transmission.
Refer to Transmission Fluid Cooler
Inlet Pipe Replacement .
- Install the left front wheel house liner. Refer to Front
Wheelhouse Liner Replacement (Encore) , Front
Wheelhouse Liner Replacement (Encore) .
- Install the front bumper fascia opening lower cover. Refer to
Front Bumper Fascia Opening Lower
Cover Replacement (Encore) .
- Fill the transmission with correct fluid.
- Check transmission fluid level. Refer to Transmission Fluid Level
and Condition Check .
- Lower the vehicle.
- Connect the battery negative cable. Refer to Battery Negative Cable
Disconnection and Connection .
- Check for leaks.
Fig. 39: View Of Control Valve Body
Control Valve Body Replacement


Fig. 40: Identifying Output Speed Sensor
Output Speed Sensor Replacement
Removal Procedure
- Remove the control valve body. Refer to Control Valve Body Replacement.
Fig. 41: Identifying Input Speed Sensor Mounting Bolt
- Remove the input speed sensor bolt (2) M6 x 23.
- Unlock the 2 retaining tabs inside the transmission housing.
- Remove the input speed sensor (3).
- Remove the 3 input speed sensor seals (1).
Installation Procedure

Fig. 42: Identifying Input Speed Sensor Mounting Bolt
- Install the 3 input speed sensor seals (1).
- Install the input speed sensor (3).
- Verify that the retaining tabs are locked completely.
CAUTION: Refer to Fastener Caution .
- Install the input speed sensor bolt (2) M6 x 23 and tighten to 9 (80 lb
- Install the control valve body. Refer to Control Valve Body Replacement.
- Perform the transmission adaptive values learn procedure. Refer to
Transmission Adaptive Values
Learn .
Transmission mount bracket replacement -REAR (AWD)
Removal Procedure
- Remove the transfer case. Refer to Transfer Case Replacement .
Fig. 43: Transmission Bracket Fasteners
- Remove and DISCARD the five transmission bracket fasteners (1, 2).
Fig. 44: Transmission Bracket And Through Bolt
- Remove and DISCARD the rear transmission mount through bolt (1).
- Remove the transmission bracket (2) from the transmission.
Installation Procedure

Fig. 45: Transmission Bracket And Through Bolt
- Install the transmission bracket (2) to the transmission.
- Install the NEW rear transmission through bolt (1). Do not tighten at
this time.
Fig. 46: Transmission Bracket Fasteners
CAUTION: Refer to Fastener Caution .
- Install the NEW transmission bracket to transmission fasteners (1) and
tighten to 100 (74 lb ft) plus 30-40
- Install the NEW transmission bracket to transmission fastener (2) and
tighten to 60 (44 lb ft) plus 60-75
Fig. 47: Transmission Bracket And Through Bolt
- Install the NEW rear transmission mount through bolt (1) and tighten to
80 (59 lb ft) plus 45-60 degrees.
- Install the transfer case. Refer to Transfer Case Replacement
Removal Procedure
- Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and Jacking the Vehicle
- Remove the exhaust front pipe. Refer to Exhaust Front Pipe Replacement (LUV)
, Exhaust Front
Pipe Replacement .
- Using a suitable jack stand, support the rear of the transmission.

Fig. 48: Rear Transmission Mount Bracket To Rear Mount Through Bolt
- Remove and DISCARD the rear transmission mount bracket to rear mount
through bolt (1).
Fig. 49: Transmission Mount Bracket To Transmission Bolts
- Remove and DISCARD the 4 rear transmission mount bracket to transmission
bolts (1).
- Remove the rear transmission mount bracket (2).
Installation Procedure

Fig. 50: Transmission Mount Bracket To Transmission Bolts
- Install the rear transmission mount bracket (2).
CAUTION: Refer to Fastener Caution .
- Install the 4 NEW rear transmission mount bracket to transmission bolts
(1) and tighten to 100 (74 lb ft)
plus 30-45 degrees.

Fig. 51: Rear Transmission Mount Bracket To Rear Mount Through Bolt
- Install the NEW rear transmission mount bracket to rear mount through
bolt (1) and tighten to 80 (59 lb
ft) plus 45-60 degrees.
- Remove the jack stand.
- Install the exhaust front pipe. Refer to Exhaust Front Pipe Replacement
(LUV) , Exhaust Front Pipe
Replacement .
- Lower the vehicle.
Transmission mount replacement - left side
Removal Procedure
- Remove the battery tray. Refer to Battery Tray Replacement .
Fig. 52: Electronic Vacuum Pump (EVP)
- Disconnect the electrical connector (1) from the Electronic Vacuum Pump
(EVP) (3).
- Remove the two EVP fasteners (2).
- Position the EVP out of the way.
- Install the engine support fixture.

Fig. 53: Left Transmission Mount
- Remove the shift cable bracket to transmission mount bolt (4).
NOTE: Do Not remove the shift cable bracket bolt.
- Loosen the shift cable bracket bolt (5).
- Remove and DISCARD the left transmission mount to bracket bolts (1).
- Remove the left transmission mount to body bolts (2).
- Remove the left transmission mount to body nut (3).
- Remove the transmission mount (6) from the vehicle.
Installation Procedure

Fig. 54: Left Transmission Mount
- Install the left transmission mount (6) to the vehicle.
CAUTION: Refer to Fastener Caution .
- Install the transmission mount to body bolts (2) and tighten to 58 (43
lb ft).
- Install the transmission mount to body nut (3) and tighten to 58 (43 lb
- Install the NEW left transmission mount to transmission bolts (1) and
tighten to 50 (37 lb ft) plus 60-75
- Install the shift cable bracket to transmission mount bolt (4) and
tighten to 22 (16 lb ft).
- Tighten the shift cable bracket bolt (5) to 22 (16 lb ft).
- Remove the engine support fixture.
Fig. 55: Electronic Vacuum Pump (EVP)
- Reposition the EVP (3) to the transmission mount.
- Install the EVP to transmission mount nuts (2) and tighten to 22 (16 lb
- Connect the electrical connector (1) to the EVP (3).
- Install the battery tray. Refer to Battery Tray Replacement .
Removal Procedure
- Remove the transfer case. Refer to Transfer Case Replacement .

Fig. 56: Transmission Bracket Fasteners
- Remove and DISCARD the five transmission bracket fasteners (1, 2).
Fig. 57: Transmission Bracket And Through Bolt
- Remove and DISCARD the rear transmission mount through bolt (1).
- Remove the transmission bracket (2) from the transmission.
Fig. 58: Transmission Rear Mount
- Remove and DISCARD the transmission rear mount fastener (2).
- Remove the transmission rear mount (1) from the vehicle.
Installation Procedure

Fig. 59: Transmission Rear Mount
- Install the transmission rear mount (1) to the vehicle.
Fig. 60: Transmission Bracket And Through Bolt
- Install the transmission bracket (2) to the transmission.
Fig. 61: Transmission Bracket Fasteners
CAUTION: Refer to Fastener Caution .
- Install the NEW transmission bracket to transmission fasteners (1) and
tighten to 100 (74 lb ft) plus 30-40
- Install the NEW transmission bracket to transmission fastener (2) and
tighten to 60 (44 lb ft) plus 60-75
Fig. 62: Transmission Rear Mount
- Install the NEW transmission rear mount fastener (2) and tighten to 100
(75 lb ft) plus 90 - 105 degrees.

Fig. 63: Transmission Bracket And Through Bolt
Install the New rear transmission mount through bolt (1) and tighten to 80
(59 lb ft) plus 45-60 degrees.
Install the transfer case. Refer to Transfer Case Replacement
Removal Procedure
- Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and Jacking the Vehicle
Fig. 64: Rear Transmission Mount Bracket To Rear Mount Through Bolt
- Remove and DISCARD the rear transmission mount bracket to rear mount
through bolt (1).
- Remove and DISCARD the rear transmission mount bracket to transmission
bolts (2).
- Remove the rear transmission mount bracket.
- Remove and DISCARD the rear transmission mount to frame bolt (3).
- Remove the rear transmission mount.
Installation Procedure

Fig. 65: Rear Transmission Mount Bracket To Rear Mount Through Bolt
- Install the rear transmission mount.
CAUTION: Refer to Fastener Caution .
- Install the NEW rear transmission mount to frame bolt (3) and tighten to
100 (74 lb ft) plus 90 - 105
- Install the rear transmission mount bracket.
- Install the NEW rear transmission mount bracket to transmission bolts
(2) and tighten to 100 (74 lb ft)
plus 30-45 degrees.
- Install the NEW rear transmission mount bracket to rear mount through
bolt (1) and tighten to 80 (59 lb
ft) plus 45-60 degrees.
- Lower the vehicle.
Transmission replacement
Removal Procedure
- Remove the battery tray. Refer to Battery Tray Replacement .
- Remove the front bumper fascia opening upper cover. Refer to Front
Bumper Fascia Opening Upper
Cover Replacement .
- Without draining the coolant or removing the hoses, remove and position
aside the radiator surge tank.
Refer to Radiator Surge Tank Replacement (LUV, 2H0, LUJ) .
- Remove the transmission range selector lever cable. Refer to Range
Selector Lever Cable
- Remove the power brake booster pump assembly, if equipped. Refer to
Power Brake Booster Pump
Replacement .
Fig. 66: Identifying Control Valve Body Transmission Control Module (TCM)
Electrical Connector
- Disconnect the control valve body transmission control module electrical
connector (1) then unclip the
connector from the transmission.
- Remove the transmission fluid cooler inlet hose from the transmission.
Refer to Transmission Fluid
Cooler Inlet Pipe Replacement .
- Remove the transmission fluid cooler outlet hose from the transmission.
Refer to Transmission Fluid Cooler Outlet Pipe Replacement .
- Plug and/or cap the pipes and transmission to prevent contamination.
Fig. 67: Upper Transmission To Engine Bolts
- Remove the upper transmission to engine bolts (2).
- Install the support fixture.
Fig. 68: Identifying Fluid Level Hole Plug
- Drain the transmission fluid. Refer to Transmission Fluid Drain and
- Remove the exhaust front pipe. Refer to Exhaust Front Pipe
Replacement (LUV) , Exhaust Front
Pipe Replacement .
- Remove the drivetrain and front suspension frame. Refer to
Drivetrain and Front Suspension Frame
Replacement (Long Cradle) , Drivetrain and Front Suspension Frame
Replacement (Short
Cradle) .
- Remove the front wheel drive shafts from the transmission. Refer to
Front Wheel Drive Shaft
Replacement - Left Side , and Front Wheel Drive Shaft Replacement - Right
Side .
- On FWD vehicles, remove the intermediate shaft. Refer to Front
Wheel Drive Intermediate Shaft
Replacement (LUV with MH8 or MH5) .
- On AWD vehicles, remove the transfer case. Refer to Transfer Case
Replacement .
- Remove the rear transmission mount bracket from the transmission.
Refer to Transmission Mount
Bracket Replacement - Rear (AWD), Transmission Mount Bracket Replacement -
Rear (FWD).
- Remove the starter motor. Refer to Starter Replacement (LUV) ,
Starter Replacement (2H0) .

Fig. 69: Flywheel Bolts And Hole Cover
- Mark the relationship of the flywheel to the torque converter for
- Remove the hole cover (1) and the three torque converter to flywheel
fasteners (2).
Fig. 70: Left Transmission Mount
- Remove the left transmission mount (6). Refer to Transmission Mount
Replacement - Left Side.
- Use a transmission jack in order to support the transmission.

Fig. 71: Upper Transmission To Engine Bolts
- Remove the lower transmission fasteners (1, 3, 4, 5).
NOTE: Ensure the torque converter remains securely in place on the
transmission input shaft while separating and removing the transmission.
- Separate the transmission from the engine.
- Lower the transmission with the transmission jack far enough to
remove the transmission.
- Flush and flow test the transmission oil cooler and lines. Refer to
Transmission Fluid Cooler Flushing
and Flow Test .
Installation Procedure
- Raise the transmission with the transmission jack and position the
transmission to the engine.

Fig. 72: Upper Transmission To Engine Bolts
CAUTION: Refer to Fastener Caution .
- Install the transmission bolts (3, 4) and tighten to 60 (44 lb ft).
- Install the transmission bolts (5) and the transmission nut (1) and
tighten to 40 (30 lb ft).
- Remove the transmission jack.
Fig. 73: Left Transmission Mount
- Install the left transmission mount (6). Refer to Transmission Mount
Replacement - Left Side.

Fig. 74: Flywheel Bolts And Hole Cover
NOTE: If reusing the torque converter bolts, clean the threads and
threadlocker to the threads prior to installation.
- Install the torque converter to flywheel bolts (2) and tighten to 60 (44
lb ft) and install the hole cover (1).
- Install the starter motor. Refer to Starter Replacement (LUV) , Starter
Replacement (2H0) .
- Install the rear transmission mount bracket to the transmission. Refer
to Transmission Mount Bracket
Replacement - Rear (AWD), Transmission Mount Bracket Replacement - Rear
- On AWD vehicles, install the transfer case. Refer to Transfer Case
Replacement .
- On FWD vehicles, install the intermediate shaft. Refer to Front
Wheel Drive Intermediate Shaft
Replacement (LUV with MH8 or MH5) .
- Install the front wheel drive shafts to the transmission. Refer to
Front Wheel Drive Shaft Replacement -
Left Side , and Front Wheel Drive Shaft Replacement - Right Side .
- Install the drivetrain and front suspension frame. Refer to
Drivetrain and Front Suspension Frame
Replacement (Long Cradle) , Drivetrain and Front Suspension Frame
Replacement (Short
Cradle) .
- Install the exhaust front pipe. Refer to Exhaust Front Pipe Replacement
(LUV) , Exhaust Front Pipe Replacement .
- Remove the support fixture.

Fig. 75: Upper Transmission To Engine Bolts
- Install the upper transmission to engine bolts (2) and tighten to 60 (44
lb ft).
Fig. 76: Identifying Control Valve Body Transmission Control Module (TCM)
Electrical Connector
- Connect the control valve body transmission control module electrical
connector (1) then clip the
connector to the transmission.
- Install the transmission fluid cooler outlet hose to the
transmission. Refer to Transmission Fluid Cooler
Outlet Pipe Replacement .
- Install the transmission fluid cooler inlet hose to the transmission.
Refer to Transmission Fluid Cooler
Inlet Pipe Replacement .
- Install the power brake booster pump assembly, if equipped. Refer to
Power Brake Booster Pump
Replacement .
- Install the transmission range selector lever cable. Refer to Range
Selector Lever Cable Replacement.
- Adjust the automatic transmission range selector lever cable. Refer to
Range Selector Lever Cable
- Install the radiator surge tank. Refer to Radiator Surge Tank
Replacement (LUV, 2H0, LUJ) .
- Install the front bumper fascia opening upper cover. Refer to
Front Bumper Fascia Opening Upper
Cover Replacement .
- Install the battery tray. Refer to Battery Tray Replacement .
- Fill the transmission with fluid. Refer to Transmission Fluid Drain and
- If a NEW transmission control module (TCM) has been installed into the
vehicle, the NEW module needs
to be reprogrammed.
The transmission adaptive values learn procedure must be performed
when one of the following repairs have been made to the vehicle. Failure
to perform the procedure after one of the following repairs may result in
poor transmission performance, as well as transmission DTCs being set:
- Transmission internal service/overhaul
- Valve body repair or replacement
- Control solenoid valve assembly replacement
- TCM software/calibration update
- Any service in response to a shift quality concern
- Perform the transmission adaptive values learn. Refer to Transmission
Adaptive Values Learn .
- Road test the vehicle.
Automatic transmission controls wiring schematics (ENCORE, MH8 OR MHB)
Module Power, Ground, Data Communication, and MIL
Fig. 1: Module Power, Ground, Data Communication, and MIL
Speed and Temperatu
Definitions and abbreviations
Throttle Positions
Engine Braking
A condition where the engine is used to slow the vehicle by manually
downshifting during a zero throttle
Full Throttle Downs
Fastener Tightening Specifications (On Vehicle)
Fastener Tightening Specifications (Off Vehicle)
DO NOT program a control module unless directed to by a service
procedure or a service bulletin. If the ECU is not properly configured with
the correct calibration software, the ECU will not control all of the
features properly.
Ensure the programming tool is equipped with the
Transfer case identification
Fig. 71: Transfer Case Primary Identification Label
The transfer case primary identification label (1) is located on the rear
extension housing. The transfer case
secondary identification stamping (2) is located on the bottom of the main
Transfer Case Primar